News for use

As per the Provision of the act any unclaimed Amt is transfered to government after specified years of unclaimed.
Find Your Lost Investments

Total of 82,025/- crore estimated investor wealth iding in unclaimed accounts,

  1. 18,381/- crore lying in unclaimed bank accounts (in dormant saving account+idling in matured fixed and other desposit)
  2. 15,167/- crore lying unclaimed with life insurers (LIC alone has more than 7,000 crore of unclaimed investors funds.)
  3. 17,880/- crore lying in inactive mutual fund folios.
  4. 4,100/- crore of unclaimed dividend lying in IEPF
  5. 26,497/- crore lying in unclaimed provident fund accounts Tips to avoid Unclaimed Investments
  6. Keep family informed about finances
  7. Always have nominee
  8. Write a will today
  9. Keep updating details whenever there is changes.

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